命运号角 发表于 2016-6-6 08:37:40


Cryonics has quickly come to seem not only like a good thing to try, but like the right thing to do.

That’s certainly how Alcor sees it. They say:

The moral argument for cryonics is that it’s wrong to discontinue care of an unconscious person when they can still be rescued. This is why people who fall unconscious are taken to hospital by ambulance, why they will be maintained for weeks in intensive care if necessary, and why they will still be cared for even if they don’t fully awaken after that. It is a moral imperative to care for unconscious people as long as there remains reasonable hope for recovery.

And once you’re looking through that lens, everything we consider normal starts to look crazy.

When Kim Suozzi found out she was dying of cancer at age 23, she signed up to be cryopreserved. She viewed it like trying a new experimental drug that might have a chance to save her when nothing else could—a no-brainer. But her father fiercely resisted the decision,Reddit users scorned her for it, and the story was unusual enough to warrant a feature article in the New York Times.
Kim Suozzi23岁时发现得了癌症,她报名了人体冷冻法。她把这当成一个新实验药物,明摆着的唯一机会。但是她的父亲坚决阻止了她的决定,Reddit的用户也嘲笑她,这新闻成为纽约时报的专题文章。

命运号角 发表于 2016-6-6 08:38:06

adj. 必要的,不可避免的;紧急的;命令的,专横的;势在必行的;[语]祈使的
n. 必要的事;命令;需要;规则;[语]祈使语气

命运号角 发表于 2016-6-6 08:38:30

n. 根据;证明;正当理由;委任状
vt. 保证;担保;批准;辩解

王者归来 发表于 2016-6-6 11:01:48


shakencity 发表于 2019-12-7 08:54:38

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